Cuisine: British
Allergy policy
This restaurant hasnt provided their allergy policy to us yet, and we can't find any specific allergy advice on their website. Check the reviews on this page to see if other people with allergies have eaten here, and what they say. Please make sure you phone ahead to the restaurant and tell them about your allergies when making a booking. Remember to tell your server about your food allergies when you order your food. And remember to check for cross contamination issues, like what else is cooked in the fryer, and separate chopping boards and knives. If you have a severe allergy, you might want to tell your server that you are carrying medication and what to do in case of a reaction. And finally, if you do eat here, please leave a review on this page afterwards, to help other people decide Can I Eat There?
Restaurant description
Located on Bloomsburys historic Lambs Conduit Street, Noble Rot Restaurant & Wine Bar has been a wine bar since 1973, and was originally built in 1700. Chefs Stephen Harris and Paul Weaver from the Michelin-starred The Sportsman in Whitstable oversee a menu of fine Harris-style cooking; expect to find oysters, cold cuts, bread and olives in the front bar, with an expanded restaurant menu in the back.