Can I Eat There? can’t guarantee the accuracy of restaurant and menu information on this site. The opinions expressed on our site are the views of contributors and users.
Can I Eat there? does not give advice or recommendations. What works for one person may not work for another. If in doubt please take advice from a medical practitioner or a qualified nutritionist.
Please take care of yourself when eating out: Always tell your server about your allergies. Always double-check ingredients when ordering. Call ahead to confirm that the restaurant can cater for your allergies when making a booking.
We’re here to help make life easier for people with food allergies, but we can’t be held responsible if the information on this site is wrong, or if the restaurant makes a mistake with your food.
Get more from Can I Eat There? by creating a restaurant account. You can update your menus, add more images and much more, to help you communicate your allergy-friendly offering and attract more business (remember, there may only be one person with a food allergy in the party, but they decide where everyone eats!) And best of all, it’s all free. Simply fill out the form below, click the button and we’ll set you up with a restaurant account. Welcome!